
My Husband is the BEST!

When we got married there were a few duties that we had to iron out. Ryan grew up with his mom in charge of finances and paying bills. I grew up with my step-dad in charge of finances. Well for the first 2 or 3 months we thought that the other was paying the bills. I was the one that ended up taking on that duty. The reason I am saying this is LAUNDRY! I have a really hard time, no really hard time doing laundry. Not sure why... I love clean clothes and I love it when my closet and dresser are full. I love having more options when I get dressed (too many options). I do a load here and there but my husband ends up doing it. I can go about 2-3 weeks without needing anything washed so I guess I don't realize it when it needs to be done (other than the overflowing hamper). I have tried doing one load a day and putting myself on a schedule but it hasn't worked. I just wanted to say that my husband is the BEST! He has been doing the laundry which I appreciate. We had a "folding party" tonight and I realized how much he doesn't really like to do it but he does it anyways. He even does mine! Thank you sweetie~ I really appreciate you being strong where I am weak! I love you!

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